Caroline Scotti Saintagne


Research engineer

Email : caroline.scotti-saintagne(at)

Phone : +33 (0)4 32 72 29 65

Fax : +33 (0)4 32 72 29 02


URFM - UR629

Site Agroparc

Domaine Saint Paul

F-84914 AVIGNON Cedex 9

Research engineer at Ecology of Mediterranean Forest  Unit attached to the Ecology and Biodiversity Department (ECODIV).

Education :    

1999    -    2003    PhD / Docteur en Sciences (Faculté des Sciences), Université de Nancy Poincaré, France

Academic positions :    

2013    -                 Permanent research engineer (URFM), INRAE Centre Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Avignon, URFM, France

2008    -    2013     Permanent research engineer (Ecofog), INRAE Centre Antilles-Guyanes, France

2004    -    2008     Non permanent Research Scientist, INRAE Centre Antilles-Guyanes, France

2003    -    2004      Post doctoral position, University of Bloomington, USA


Responsibilities :

Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO ((International Union of Forest Research Organizations) ) Division 2.02.13 - Breeding and genetic resources of Mediterranean conifers (since 2019)

General expertise :

I'm a geneticist of forest tree populations. My research projects focus on the characterization of genetic diversity (neutral and adaptive) in order to conserve local genetic resources and to test their adaptive capacity. I worked during ten years in Amazonian forest but since five years I am also interested in Mediterranean trees. I pay particular attention to the study of gene flows, whether between populations or between closely related species, with the aim to both preserve local genetic resources from hybridization or to promote adaptation through hybridization when local resources are no longer available. I have connections with forest management stakeholders (National Forestry Office (ONF), National Center for Forest Ownership (CRPF)), conservation organizations (Natura 2000).

Positions académiques :



Editing activities

Annals of Forest Science, Molecular Ecology, Annals of Botany, Annals of Applied Biology, Forest Ecology and management, Evolution Application, Heredity, Journal of Biogeography.

Project coordination

2020: funded by the Eccorev Network. Introduction of exotic species: What future for our forests? What are the public perceptions?  Contemporary and retrospective approaches in Mediterranean fir forests (Perplex, 10,000 euros). Partnership with LPED, IMBE, ONF, CRPF, DSF.

2019-2020 : Sud-PACA region. Characterisation, under natural conditions, of the sexual reproduction of native fir (Abies alba) and Mediterranean fir (A. Cephalonica) with a view to better controlling natural interspecific hybridisation in a context of adaptation to climate change". (RapiDAdap , budget 26128 euros)

2012: Innovative INRA project: Development of tools for the recognition of sister species (OUTIREC, budget: 9,000 euros).

2012: Project funded by the CEBA labex: Delimitation of inter-fertile species and reconstruction of speciation scenarios (DEFIS, budget 13500 euros).

2008-2010: Amazonia II programme: Role of climatic variations and ecological specialisation in the distribution of tropical species: Contribution of genetic approaches (CLIPS, budget: 100,000 euros).

2006-2007: Grant from the French Overseas Ministry (MOM, budget 18,000 euros): Estimation and geographical distribution of genetic diversity in two species from the Amazon basin (Carapa sp and Jacaranda) and estimation of genetic diversity in the pear tree (Tabebuia heterophylla) genetic improvement collection in Guadeloupe.

Collaborations on projects

2018-2019 : EFPA Department INRAE pre-valo project "Genetic profiling of black pine subspecies and varieties for the management of endemic natural areas using an SSR kit" Coordinator: Bruno Fady.

Scientific contribution : Statistical analysis and report writing

2018-2019 : Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Biogeographical history (Cantabrian Mountains, Central System and Pyrenees): 18000 years on climate and anthropogenic changes on indicative forest species" (CSO2015-65216-C2-1-P). Coordinator: Albert Pèlachs.

Scientific contribution : Analysis of genetic diversity and reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the silver fir in the Spanish Pyrenees.

2017- 2020: Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Securing the supply of forest reproductive material SECUR MFR. Coordinator Luc Pâques

Scientific contribution : Analysis of phenology in progeny tests (Saint Lambert) for Cephalonian fir.

2017: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Conservation and Selection of Forest Genetic Resources. Coordinator A. Dowkiw

Scientific contribution : Analysis of phenology in tests of progenies (Saint Lambert) and provenances (Escampats) of Cephalonian fir. Genetic characterisation of fir provenances.

2014-2017: CNRS Enviromics challenges AREA project. Analysis of the Evolutive Response of Tropical Forest Trees in the Environment, genomic and metabolomic approach. Writing of the letter of intent and co-writing of the final project. Coordinator: G. Genta-Jouve.

Scientific contribution : Analysis of genetic divergence in Symphonia.

2013-2016 : Labex CEBA Amazomics project which aims to study the genetics and ecological genomics of adaptation in tropical trees, coordinator I. Scotti.

Scientific contribution : responsible for the genus Symphonia globulifera

2012-2015: ANR BIOADAPT FLAG "Ecological genetics of forest trees: interactions between gene flow and environmental variability in determining local adaptation and adaptation potential", coordinator, I. Scotti.

Scientific contribution : Analysis of genetic diversity in Symphonia and Carapa genes and demonstration of divergent selection between different ecotypes.

2012-2015 : Spanish national project "The assembly of African floras from lineages to populations: effects of historical climate changes and species ecology" AFFLORA.

Scientific contribution : characterisation of neutral and adaptive evolutionary processes in the genetic divergence between Symphonia globulifera ecotypes.

2008-2011: FEDER ENERGIRAVI "Estimation of the genetic richness of Amazonian living resources" Coordinator, I.Scotti.

2008-2010: CNRS AMAZONIE II COUAC "Impact des occupations amérindiennes anciennes sur les propriétés des sols et la diversité des forêts de la frange côtière guyanaise" coordinator, E.Dambrine.

Scientific contribution : testing the impact of human occupation on the genetic diversity of four common tropical rainforest trees

Scientific contribution : Testing the influence of selection and demographic history in the ecological specialisation of phylogenetically related species (species complex).

2007-2010: ANR Bridge: bridging Information on tree diversity in French Guiana and a test of ecological theories". Coordinator: J. Chave.

Scientific contribution : estimation of the level of intra- and interspecific genetic diversity in five species complexes in order to test the correlation between phenotypic differentiation and genetic differentiation.

2005-2009: INCO Seedsource European project FP6-2002-INCO-DEV-1 "Developing best practice for seed sourcing of planted and natural regeneration in the neotropics". Coordinator: S. Cavers.

Scientific contribution: Comparative phylogeography of three tropical tree species in the Amazon basin.

Scientific supervisions


Alexandra Thinaut (2012-2014); Co-director, Thesis Director I.Scotti . Ecole Doctorale UAG. Génétique écologique et génomique des évènements de divergence chez les complexes d’espèces en forêt tropicale humide.

Maxime Casalis (2008-2011) Co-director, Thesis Director I.Scotti . Ecole Doctorale UAG. Etudes des processus évolutifs à l’origine du maintien des complexes d’espèces en forêt tropicale humide.

William Montaigne (2008-2011) Co-director, Thesis Director I.Scotti . Ecole Doctorale UAG. Diversité et adaptation au milieu chez les arbres forestiers tropicaux : étude de la génétique de l’adaptation chez les Myristicacées .

Delphine Audigeos (2007-2010) Co-director, Thesis Director I.Scotti . Ecole Doctorale UAG. Analyse de la diversité génétique quantitative et moléculaire dans le complexe d’espèces d’arbres tropicaux Eperua

Licences and Masters

Astrid Tempestini (2009) Master 2 pro P&M Curie, Paris. Organisation de la diversité génétique à l’intérieur d’un complexe d’espèces d’arbres de la forêt amazonienne : le Symphonia

Judith Andrivot (2009) Master 2 pro P&M Curie, Paris. Etude du régime alimentaire du tapir (Tapirus terrestris) en Guyane par analyse moléculaire des restes végétaux contenus dans les fèces : étude de faisabilité. Co encadrement avec Cécile Richard-Hansen (ONCFS).

Luc Allard (2009) Master 2 STEE Bordeaux. Organisation de la diversité génétique et estimation des flux de gènes dans le complexe d’espèces des Carapa, un arbre commun de la forêt amazonienne.

Christine Le Mounier (2008) Master 2 pro P&M Curie, Paris. Organisation de la diversité génétique au niveau de séquences chloroplastiques dans l’espèce Simarouba amara à l’échelle du continent Sud-Américain. 35p

Maxime Casalis. (2007). Master 2 FAGE Nancy. Analyse de la distribution de la diversité génétique dans l’espèce Jacaranda copaia (Aublet) proposition d’un scénario historique. 20p.

Stéphanie Barthe (2008) Master 1 BGAE Montpellier. Organisation de la diversité génétique au niveau de loci microsatellites dans l’espèce Simarouba amara à l’échelle du continent Sud-Américain. 25p.

Caroline Duret (2006). Stage libre Transition Licence Master. Estimation de la diversité génétique dans le genre Carapa au niveau de la Guyane française.

Administratives responsabilities

Since 2014: Member of the URFM Service Council

Internationational networks

Since 2020 : of section 2.02.13 of the IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) section on Improvement and genetic resources of Mediterranean conifers.

Since 2018 : Member of the international network AFORGEN (Alpine forest genomics network,

Interaction Science / Society

Caroline Scotti & Bruno Fady. Pin de Salzmann, une essence autochtone à privilégier dans les peuplements de moyennes montagnes des Cévennes.GREC-SUD & RECO, 2020, Adaptation du Parc national des Cévennes au changement climatique et à ses impacts, ouvrage collectif co-édité par l’Association pour l’innovation et la recherche au service du climat (AIR Climat) et le Réseau d'expertise sur les changements climatiques en Occitanie (RECO), 56 p. ISBN : 978-2-491380-00-7

Caroline Scotti-Saintagne & Ivan Scotti. Le Parc national des Cévennes et l’adaptation des forêts au changement climatique. GREC-SUD & RECO, 2020, Adaptation du Parc national des Cévennes au changement climatique et à ses impacts, ouvrage collectif co-édité par l’Association pour l’innovation et la recherche au service du climat (AIR Climat) et le Réseau d'expertise sur les changements climatiques en Occitanie (RECO), 56 p. ISBN : 978-2-491380-00-7

Scotti-Saintagne C. & Scotti I.. Devant l’inéluctable dépérissement de certaines espèces d’arbres, des chercheurs s’interrogent et étudient les capacités adaptatives des différentes essences. 2020. La Garance voyageuse n° 128.

Scotti-Saintagne, C. (2019). Evolution et adaptation au changement climatique chez les sapins méditerranéens. Mise en place d’un site d’étude sur le Mont Ventoux. Presented at Société botanique du Vaucluse, Chateauneuf de Gadagne, FRA (2019-12-09 - 2019-12-09). 24 p

Scotti-Saintagne, C. (2019). Liens entre biodiversité et changement climatique, exemple des forêts. Presented at Climat : la nature, source de solutions, Avignon, FRA (2019-04-09 - 2019-04-09). 23 p

2015 et 2017 : Animation d’ateliers pour l'association des petits débrouillards

2018 : Émission radiophonique de 30 minutes « des fermes et des hommes » sur radio Bartas sur le programme de conservation du pin de Salzmann.

Scotti-Saintagne C., Fady B., Giovannelli G., Turion N. 2018. Le pin de Salzmann : une espèce à protéger. La Garance Voyageuse. N° 123.

Interaction Science / forest managers

Scotti-Saintagne, C., Fady, B., Davi, H., Pichot, C., Jean, F., Roig, A., Lingrand, M., Vauthier, D., Rei, F., Turion, N., Gilg, O., Brahic, P., Musch, B., Giovannelli, G. (2019). Evolution, acclimatation et adaptation au changement climatique de quelques résineux méditerranéens. Presented at Réunion Département Santé des Forêts Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Couchey, FRA (2019-09-26 - 2019-09-26).

Scotti-Saintagne, C., Fady, B., Rei, F., Vauthier, D., Gilg, O., Davi, H. (2019). Hybridation entre sapins méditerranéens et pectiné quels processus d’adaptation ? Quel avenir pour les anciens tests de comparaison de provenances ?. Presented at Quel avenir pour les anciens tests de provenances, Luc en Provence, FRA (2019-02-28 - 2019-02-28).

List of scientific productions
1. International peer-reviewed articles

Binelli, G, Montaigne, W, Sabatier, D, Scotti‐Saintagne, C, Scotti, I. 2020 Discrepancies between genetic and ecological divergence patterns suggest a complex biogeographic history in a Neotropical genus. Ecol Evol.; 10: 4726– 4738.

Heuertz, M., Caron, H., Scotti-Saintagne, C., Pétronelli, P., Engel, J., Tysklind, N., et al. (2020). The hyperdominant tropical tree Eschweilera coriacea (Lecythidaceae) shows higher genetic heterogeneity than sympatric Eschweilera species in French Guiana. Plant Ecol. Evol. 153, 67–81. doi: 10.5091/plecevo.2020.1565

Olsson, S., Grivet, D., Cattonaro, F. et al. 2020 Evolutionary relevance of lineages in the European black pine (Pinus nigra) in the transcriptomic era. Tree Genetics & Genomes 16, 30 .

Ciminera, M. ;  Auger-Rozenberg, M-A;  Caron, H.;  Herrera, M.;  Scotti-Saintagne, C.;  Scotti, I;  Tysklind, N.;  Roques, A.. 2019. Genetic Variation and Differentiation of Hylesia metabus (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae): Moths of Public Health Importance in French Guiana and in Venezuela. Journal of Medical Entomology. 56 (1) 137-148.

Caron, H.;  Molino, J-F.;  Sabatier, D.;  Leger, P.;  Chaumeil, P.;  Scotti-Saintagne, C.;  Frigerio, J.-M.;  Scotti, I.;  Franc, A.;  Petit, R. J. . 2019. Chloroplast DNA variation in a hyperdiverse tropical tree community. Ecol Evol. 2019; 9: 4897– 4905.

Scotti-Saintagne, C., Giovannelli, G., Scotti, I., Roig A., Spanu I., Vendramin, G.G., Guibal F., Fady B. 2019. Tree Genetics & Genomes 15: 76.

Torroba-Balmori MP, Budde KB, Heer K, González-Martínez SC, Scotti-Saintagne C, Dick CW, Heuertz M. 2017. Altitudinal gradients, biogeographic history and microhabitat adaptation affect fine-scale spatial genetic structure in African and Neotropical populations of an ancient tropical tree species. Plos one.

Barthe S., Binelli G., Herault B., Scotti-Saintagne C., Sabatier D., Scotti I., 2017. Tropical rainforests that persisted: inferences from the Quaternary demographic history of eight tree species in the Guiana shield. Molecular Ecology. Vol 26, issue 4

Olsson S, Seoane-Zonjic P, Bautista R, Claros MG, González-Martínez SC, Scotti I, Scotti-Saintagne C, Hardy OJ, Heuertz M. 2016. Development of genomic tools in a widespread tropical tree, Symphonia globulifera L.f.: a new low-coverage draft genome, SNP and SSR markers. Molecular Ecology Resources doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12605.

Porth I., garnier-Géré P., Klápštĕ J., Scotti-Saintagne C., El-Kassaby Y., Burg K., Kremer A., 2016. Species-specific alleles at a β-tubulin gene show significant a. ssociations with leaf morphological variation within Quercus petraea and Q. robur populations. Tree Genetics & Genomes.10.1007/s11295-016-1041-8.

Heuertz M. Scotti-Saintagne C. 2015 Integrating genomics into phylogeography and phylogeny. In a special review of annals of Forest Science : Forest tree genomics: 10 achievements from the past 10 years and future prospects

Brousseau L., Foll M. Scotti-Saintagne C., Scotti I. 2014. Neutral and adaptive drivers of microgeographic genetic divergence within continuous populations: the case of the Neotropical tree Eperua falcata (Aubl.). Plos One.

Malé P-JG, Bardon L, Besnard G, Coissac E, Delsuc F, Engel J, Lhuillier E, Scotti-Saintagne C, Tinaut A, Chave J. 2014. Genome skimming by shotgun sequencing helps resolve the phylogeny of a pantropical tree family. Molecular Ecology Resources.

Audigeos D., Brousseau L., Traissac S., Scotti-Saintagne C., Scotti I. 2013. Molecular divergence in tropical tree populations occupying environmental mosaics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26 529-544.

Hibert F.,Taberlet P., Chave J., Scotti-Saintagne C., Sabatier D., Richard-Hansen C. 2013. Unveiling the Diet of Elusive Rainforest Herbivores in Next Generation Sequencing Era? The Tapir as a Case Study . PlosOne •DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060799.

Scotti-Saintagne, C, Dick, CW, Caron, H, Vendramin, GG, Troispoux, V, Sire, P, et al. 2013. Amazon diversification and cross-Andean dispersal of the widespread Neotropical tree species Jacaranda copaia (Bignoniaceae). Journal of Biogeography 40, 707-719.

Scotti-Saintagne, C, Dick, CW, Caron, H, Vendramin, GG, et al. 2013. Phylogeography of a species complex of lowland Neotropical rain forest trees (Carapa, Meliaceae). Journal of Biogeography 40, 676-692.

Chevolot, M., Louisanna, E., Azri, W., Leblanc-Fournier, N., Roeckel-Drevet, P., Scotti-Saintagne, C. & Scotti, I. 2010. Isolation of primers for candidate genes for mechano-sensing in five neotropical tree species. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 7, 655-661.

Audigeos D., Buonamici A., Belkadi L., Rymer P., Boshier D., Scotti-Saintagne C., Vendramin G., Scotti I. (2010) Aquaporins in the wild: natural genetic diversity and selective pressure in the PIP gene family in five Neotropical tree species. BMC Evolutionary Biology.

Scotti I, Calvo-Vialettes L., Scotti-Saintagne C, Citterio M, Degen B, Bonal D. 2010 Genetic variation for growth, morphological, and physiological traits in a wild population of the Neotropical shade­tolerant rainforest tree Sextonia rubra (Mez) van der Werff (Lauraceae) Tree Genetics & Genomes 6 : 319-329.

Delph, L.F., Arntz, A.M., Scotti-Saintagne, C. & Scotti, I. 2010. The genomic architecture of sexual dimorphism in the dioecious plant silene latifolia. Evolution, 64, 2873-2886

Strasburg J., Scotti-Saintagne C; Scotti I., Lai Z., Rieseberg L. 2009 Genomic patterns of adaptive divergence between chromosomally differentiated sunflower species. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26(6):1341–1355

Derory J, Scotti-Saintagne C, Bertocchi E, Le Dantec L, Graignic N, Jauffres A et al .2009. Contrasting relationships between the diversity of candidate genes and variation of bud burst in natural and segregating populations of European oaks. Heredity. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2009.134

Fouquet, A., V. Dubut, R. Hataway, C. Scotti-Saintagne, I. Scotti et al., 2009 Isolation and characterisation of 19 microsatellite loci from the Amazonian frog Adenomera andreae (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae). Conservation Genetics Resources 1: 217-220.

Hibert F., Sabatier D., Andrivot J., Scotti-Saintagne C., Gonzalez S., Prévost M-F., Grenand P., Chave J., Caron H., Richard-hansen C. 2010. Botany, genetics and ethnobotany : a crossed investigation on the elusive tapir’s diet in French Guiana. Plos one. 6(10): e25850. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025850.

Hibert, F. Taberlet P., Chave J., Scotti-Saintagne C., Sabatier D., Richard-Hansen C. Unveiling the diet of elusive rainforest herbivores in next generation sequencing era : The tapir as a case study. Plos one (révisions avec importantes modifications).

Strasburg J., Scotti-Saintagne C; Scotti I., Lai Z., Rieseberg L. 2009 Genomic patternsof adaptive divergence between chromosomally differentiated sunflower species. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26(6):1341–1355.

Yatabe Y., Kane N., Scotti-Saintagne C., Rieseberg L.H. 2007. Rampant gene exchange across a strong reproductive barrier between the annual sunflowers, Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris. Genetics 175(4): 1883 – 1893.

Brendel O., Le Thiec D., Scotti-Saintagne C., Kremer A., Guehl J-M. 2008. Quantitative trait loci controlling water use efficiency and related traits in Quercus robur L. Tree Genetics and Genomes. . 4:263–278.

Parelle J., Zapater M., Scotti-Saintagne C., Antoine Kremer, Jolivet Y., Dreyer E., Brendel O. 2007. Quantitative Trait Loci of tolerance to water-logging in a European oak (Quercus robur L.): physiological relevance and temporal effect patterns. Plant, Cell and Environment, 30(4): 422-434.

Scotti-Saintagne C., Costa P., Bertocchi E., Barreneche T., Kremer A., Plomion C..2005 Vegetative propagation in forest tree species is controlled by major genes. Annals of forest Science 62 : 369-374.

Scotti-Saintagne C., Mariette S., Porth I., Goicoechea P-G., Barreneche T., Bodénès C., Burg K. Kremer A. 2004. Genome scanning for interspecific differentiation between two closely related oak species (Quercus robur L. and Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl.). Genetics. 168 : 1615-1626.

Saintagne C., Bodénès C., Barreneche T., Pot D., Plomion C., Kremer A., 2004.Distribution of genomic regions differentiating oak species assessed by QTL detection. Heredity 92:20-30.

Scotti-Saintagne C., Bodénès C., Barreneche T., Bertocchi E., Plomion C., Kremer A.2004. Detection of quantitative trait loci controlling bud burst and height growth in Quercus robur L. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109 : 1648:1659.

Storme V., Vanden Broeck A., Ivens B., Halfmaerten D., Van Slycken J., Castiglione S.,Grassi F., Fossati T., Cottrell J.E., Tabbener H.E., Lefèvre F., Saintagne C., Fluch S., Krystufek

V., Burg K., Bordács S., Borovics A., Gebhardt K., Vornam B., Pohl A., Alba N., Agúndez D.,Maestro C., Notivol E., Bovenschen J., van Dam B.C., van der Schoot J., Vosman B., Boerjan W., Smulders M.J.M.. 2004. Ex-situ conservation of Black poplar in Europe: genetic diversity in nine gene bank collections and their value for nature development. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 108(6):969-981. 2. Ouvrage collectif

Freville, F., Scotti-Saintagne C. 2010. Rôle des variations climatiques passées et de la spécialisation écologique dans la distribution des espèces tropicales ; apport des approches génétiques. pp108-111. Dans : Amazonie, une aventure scientifique et humaine du CNRS. Pavé A. et Fornet G. Editions Galaade.

Papers presented at conferences:

Valentin Journé, Frederic Jean, Caroline Scotti-Saintagne, Hendrik Davi. Modéliser les réponses des écosystèmes forestiers au changement climatique pour bien anticiper les conséquences. 25 ans du RENECOFOR , Oct 2017, Beaune, France. 2017

Audigeos D, Bonal D, Brousseau L, Scotti I, Scotti-Saintagne C . 2009. Selection in the tropical rain? Gene-level and trait-level divergence within a population of trees. ESEB meeting, Turin.

Tempestini A., Caron H., Casalis M., Scotti I., Scotti-Saintagne C. 2009. How adaptation and history contribute to the accumulation of genetic differentiation in the Symphonia species complex in French Guiana. 2009. International conference “Knowledge-based management of tropical rainforests” Cayenne 22-28 november, France.

Audigeos D., Brousseau L., Scotti-Saintagne C. Scotti I. 2009. Genetic diversity analysis in two tropical tree species of the genus Eperua. International conference “Knowledge-based management of tropical rainforests” Cayenne 22-28 november, France

Allard, L. Caron H., Guichoux E., Duret C., Casalis M., Scotti I., Scotti-Saintagne C. 2009. Effect of history on the genetic organization in the Carapa species complex in French Guiana. International conference “Knowledge-based management of tropical rainforests” Cayenne 22-28 november, France.Illustration de

Rinaldo R., Stien D., Beauchêne J., Scotti-Saintagne C., Molino J.F. 2009. By another way to identify Lauraceae for fragrances. International conference “Knowledge-based management of tropical rainforests” Cayenne 22-28 november, France.

Andrivot J., Scotti-Saintagne C., Hibert F., Caron H., Richard-Hansen C. 2009. From faeces to DNA: Characterization of the lowland tapir’s diet with genetic tools. International conference “Knowledge-based management of tropical rainforests” Cayenne 22-28 november, France

*** Selection of oral communications :

Fady, B., Boivin, T., Musch, b., Scotti, I., Suez, M., Scotti-Saintagne, C. (2018). Demographic history of Abies alba Mill. in the French Pyrenees . Presented at Conférence Vulpes Rabat, Rabat, MAR (2018-10-01 – 2018-10-05).

Scotti-Saintagne, C. (2018). Différentes échelles de structuration dans l'espace des adaptations locales. Presented at Adaptation des forêts au changement climatique (Académie de l'agriculture), Paris, FRA (2018-10-03 - 2018-10-03). 18 p.

Scotti-saintagne, C., Boivin, T., musch, b., Fady, B., Scotti, I. (2018). Demographic and evolutionary history of Abies alba in the pyrenees. Presented at Réunion du groupe AFORGEN, Kranjska Gora, SVN (2018-06-21 - 2018-06-23). 15 p.

Heuertz, M., Jehanne, Q., Budde, K. B., Caron, H., Tysklind, N., Scotti-Saintagne, C., Guichoux, E., Molino, J.-F., Sabatier, D., El Mutjar, V., Franc, A., Garnier-Géré, P., Mariette, S. (2018). Evolutionary history of tropical tree species complexes: species delimitation and adaptive genetic variation in the Brazil nut clade (Lecythidaceae). In: Challenges in tropical ecology and conservation, global perspectives (p. 119). Presented at European Conference of Tropical Ecology (GTOE2018), Paris, FRA (2018-03-26 - 2018-03-29). 393

Heuertz, M., Jehanne, Q., Budde, K. B., Caron, H., Tysklind, N., Scotti-Santagne, C., Guichoux, E., Molino, J.-F., Sabatier, D., El Mujtar, V., Franc, A., Garnier-Gere, P., Mariette, S. (2018). Evolutionary history of tropical tree species complexes: species delimitation and adaptive genetic variation in the Brazil nut clade (Lecythidaceae). Presented at 2. Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (EVOLUTION 2018), Montpellier, FRA (2018-08-19 – 2018-08-22).

Giovannelli, G., Scotti-Saintagne, C., Scotti, I., Roig, A., Spanu, I., Vendramin, G. G., Guibal, F., Fady, B. (2018). Demographic and evolutionary history of the European black pine (Pinus nigra Arn). Presented at Réunion du groupe AFORGEN, Kranjska Gora, SVN (2018-06-21 - 2018-06-23).

Giovannelli, G., Scotti-Saintagne, C., Fady, B. (2018). Histoire évolutive, diversité génétique et risques d’hybridation chez le pin de Salzmann (P. nigra salzmanni) . Presented at Pin de Salzmann, Banne, FRA (2017-12-07 - 2017-12-08). 32 p.

Giovannelli G., Scotti-Saintagne C., Lefèvre F., Davi H., Roig A., Vendramin G.G., Spanu I., Guibal F., Fady B., 2017. Evolutionary history and range-wide adaptive diversity in the European black pine, Pinus nigra Arn. IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress, Freiburg, Germany. Session 153: Genetics and Genomics for Conservation, Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Management of Forests – Sept 18,.

Scotti-Saintagne, C. (Auteur de correspondance) (2017). Petite synthèse sur le sapin : son histoire démographique, sa capacité d'adaptation à réagir aux variations environnementales, des pistes pour sa gestion future. Presented at Séminaire hebdomadaire, Avignon, FRA (2017-06-12 - 2017-06-12). 46 p.

Heuertz, M., Jehanne, Q., Budde, K. B., Caron, H., El Mutjar, V., Franc, A., Garnier-Géré, P., Guichoux, E., Scotti-Saintagne, C., Molino, J.-F., Sabatier, D., Mariette, S. (2017). Hybridization and patterns of adaptive genetic variation in tropical trees of the Bertholletia clade (Lecythidaceae) in French Guiana. Presented at Meeting of the German Society for Tropical Ecology (GTOE2017), Bruxelles, BEL (2017-02-06 - 2017-02-10).

Scotti-Saintagne, C. (Interviewé), Fady, B. (Coordinateur), Musch, B. (Collaborateur), Tremel, N. (Intervieweur) (2017). Programme de conservation du pin de Salzmann[Emission de radio]. Des Fermes et des Arbres, 20 février 2018. Florac, FRA : Radio Bartas.

Heuertz, M., Olsson, S., Torroba-Balmori, P., Budde, K. B., Rakotonandrasana, S., Rakotondrafara, A., Caron, H., Scotti-Saintagne, C. (2016). Hybridization and the evolution of tropical tree species complexes. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Excellence Laboratory “Centre for the study of biodiversity in Amazonia", Cayenne, GUF (2016-10-04 - 2016-10-11).

Torroba-Balmori, P., Parchman, T. L., Budde, K., Heer, K., González-Martínez, S. C., Scotti-Saintagne, C., Dick, C. W., Heuertz, M. (2016). Demography at different scales in the wide-spread tropical species Symphonia globulifera (Clusiaceae). In: Book of abstracts (p. 27). Presented at Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics Conference, Arcachon, FRA (2016-05-30 - 2016-06-03). 134 p.

Scotti, I., Tysklind, N., Scotti-saintagne, C., Brousseau, L., Lalagüe, H. (2016). Microgeographic adaptation in tree stands. Presented at ATBC 2016, Montpellier, FRA (2016-06-19 - 2016-06-23). 1

Heuertz, M., Olsson, S., Torroba-Balmori, P., Rakotonandrasana, S., Rakotondrafara, A., Beatrix, M., Caron, H., Scotti-Saintagne, C., Mariette, S., Franc, A., Jehanne, Q., Sanmartín, I. (2016). Hybridization and the evolution of tropical tree species complexes. In: Book of abstracts (p. 22-23). Presented at Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics Conference, Arcachon, FRA (2016-05-30 - 2016-06-03). 134 p

Heuertz, M., Olsson, S., Torroba-Balmori, P., Rakotonandrasana, S., Rakotondrafara, A., Beatrix, M., Caron, H., Scotti-Saintagne, C., Mariette, S., Franc, A., Jehanne, Q., Sanmartín, I. (2016). Hybridization and the evolution of tropical tree species. Presented at ATBC Annual Meeting, Montpellier, FRA (2016-06-19 - 2016-06-23).

Heuertz M, Olsson S, Torroba-Balmori P, Rakotonandrasana S, Rakotondrafara A, Béatrix M, Caron H, Scotti-Saintagne C, Mariette S, Franc A, Jehanne Q, Sanmartín I. Hybridization and the evolution of tropical tree species. Invited talk. IUFRO Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics Conference, Arcachon, France, May 2016.

Heuertz M, Olsson S, Torroba-Balmori P, Rakotonandrasana S, Rakotondrafara A, Béatrix M, Caron H, Scotti-Saintagne C, Mariette S, Franc A, Jehanne Q, Sanmartín I. 2016. Hybridization and the evolution of tropical tree species. ATBC Annual Meeting, Montpellier. June 2016.

Olsson S, Bautista R, Claros MG, Scotti-Saintagne C, Scotti I, Rakotonandrasana RS, Rakotondrafara A, Gonzáelz-Martínez SC, Heuertz M. 2014. Studying the evolution of tropical tree taxa: opportunities and limitations of genomic approaches. Oral presentation. Joint meeting between the British Ecological Society and the Société Française d’Ecologie, Lille, December 9-12, 2014.

Scotti-Saintagne C., Casalis M., Caron H., Brousseau L., Troispoux V., Tempestini A., Ferry B., Scotti I..2013.Evidence of disruptive selection in the adaptation of two closely related species of tropical trees. SIBE (Société italienne de biologie évolutive), Trento 28-31 Août.

Casalis M., I. Scotti, C. Scotti-Saintagne. 2010. Impact of demography and selection on the genetic differentiation of closely related tropical tree species. Conférence internationale ATBC, Bali, 19-23 juillet. Indonesia

Audigeos D., Buonamici A., Belkadi L., Rymer P., Boshier D., Scotti-Saintagne C., Vendramin G.G., Scotti I. 2009. Aquaporins in the wild: natural genetic diversity and selective pressure in the PIP gene family in five Neotropical tree species. EFI workshop “Opportunities, challenges and limitations of genomics-based technologies in forest tree breeding and forest genetics”, Freiburg (Allemagne).

Scotti-Saintagne C. Caron H., Valencia R., Lemes M., Scotti I. 2009. Impact of past perturbations on the genetic diversity of Amazonian tree species. International conference “Knowledge-based management of tropical rainforests” Cayenne 22-28 November, France.

Garnier-Géré P., Abadie P., Navascues M., Lang T., Brendel O., Scotti-Saintagne C, Gerber S., Bodénès C., Kremer A., Petit R.. Interaction between gene flow and selection in hybridizing oakspecies . Fagaceae genomics conference – 11-14 Nov. 2009.

Franc, A, Chaumeil, P, Frigerio, J-M, Léger, P, Molino, J-F, Petit, RJ, Sabatier, D, Scotti, I, Scotti-Saintagne, C, Caron, H (2011) DECLIC : an analytical pipeline for delimitation of species usingcliques and its application to molecular based biodiversity inventory. International BotanicalConference 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 23-30 july 2011.

Hibert F., Andrivot J., Chave J., Gonzalez S., Grenand P., Scotti-Saintagne C., Prévost M.F., SabatierD., Richard-Hansen C. 2010. Regards croisés sur l’alimentation du tapir en Guyane française.Conférence internationale IX CIMFAUNE 10-15 mai 2010, Santa Cruz Bolivie