Cellule SIG-BD

Multidisciplinary facility for the management of georeferenced ecological data (Cellule SIG-BD)

This entity is shared between the URFM and the Entomology Experimental Unit of Mediterranean Forests (UEFM).



The SIG-BD facility uses the sets of geographic information system tools provided by the INRAE GeOpen4S platform, a collaborative working environment offering the technical support necessary for the management and processing of georeferenced data. The GeOpen4S platform provides the community with 4 services (based on open source tools) for the management, visualization and analysis of spatio-temporal data: 1) web service, 2) GIS (Geographic Information System) service, 3) statistical processing and, 4) relational database management. URFM contributes to GeOpen4S in particular with the provision of cartographic layers, the management of the virtual machine dedicated to GIS and the development of information systems in the framework of international projects (e.g. Intensive Study Sites of the European Network of Excellence EVOLTREE, national infrastructure AnaEE France).

The mission of the SIG-BD facility is to support research teams with cutting edge tools and to progressively integrate in databases all URFM experimental data collected from natural sites (e.g. Ventoux long term monitoring site) and from experimental sites such as common gardens. Some of these data are intended to feed reference information systems at national and international levels (Systèmes d'Observation et d'Expérimentation sur le long terme pour la Recherche en Environnement (SOERE), Forest Tree GNPIS, EVOLTREE Information System). These data are standardized, secured and made available to all users via information systems hosted on the GeOpen4S platform. With its GPS-data acquisition technical group, the GIS-BD facility participates in the capacity building of the URFM staff in the acquisition and management of geo-referenced data. In addition, maps are produced on request both to prepare field measurements and to represent completed research results. The maps of the experimental sites managed by URFM that can be seen on the web site of research group is an example of an output of the GIS-BD platform. The data of URFM are hosted in databases. As part of capacity building in open science and open data, the GIS-BD platform provides help and experience to the URFM staff for database query and proposes solutions to better exploit, analyze and make visible the data.

