Population biology and evolution

Population biology and evolution

Leader : Ivan Scotti

The research carried out in the BioPopEvol discipline uses population genetics and dynamics, quantitative genetics and genomics approaches, with the aim of producing new fundamental, applied and operational knowledge for the conservation and sustainable management of forest ecosystems, particularly in the Mediterranean. Our main research topics are

T1. The reproduction of trees and seed-predatory forest insects, and its consequences for forest regeneration and the dynamics of insect pests. This theme covers the study of the reproductive regime, dispersal capacities and maturation of fruits and insects.

T2. The ecology, dynamics and impacts of populations of invasive insects or introduced trees.

T3. The capacity of tree populations to adapt genetically to a spatially and temporally variable environment, with particular interest in adaptation at fine spatial scales and in evolution over a small number of generations.

T4. The interaction between phytophagous insects and forest dieback in the context of climate change.

T5. Genetic variability of tree populations and species in the Mediterranean basin.

These themes are supported by two groups:

Ventoux road

Genetic diversity, ecology and evolution of forest tree populations


Themes T1, T2, T3 et T5

Ecology and population dynamics of forest insects


Themes T1, T2,  et T4

Parasitism Cedrus Megastigmus

The applied aspects of our research cover :

[E1] recommending forest reproductive material for reforestation;

[E2] the definition and implementation of national programmes for the conservation of forest genetic resources;

[E3] the definition of criteria and indicators for monitoring the evolution of genetic resources in situ.

[E4] the definition and implementation of selection programmes