Skills and team leader

Skills and team leader

The project of URFM is organized around three disciplinary and one cross-disciplinary scientific teams :

Population biology and evolution (the BioPopEvol team) - A mechanistic approach to the adaptive dynamics of tree populations at different spatial scales, based on the study of processes (demography, plasticity, migration and selection) contributing to the adaptation of trees and forest stands to climatic variations. This approach is reinforced by the study of the role of insects on the dynamics and evolution of forest ecosystems, in the specific contexts of biological invasions and forest dieback [key scientific fields and skills: population genetics and biology, entomology, biostatistics]

Functional ecology and community dynamics (the EFDC team) - A mechanistic approach to the functioning (carbon and water flows) and dynamics (growth, mortality and reproduction) of mixed forests, heterogeneous in composition and structure [key scientific fields and skills: functional ecology, disturbance ecology, ecophysiology].

Physics and Ecology of Fire (the PEF team) - Mechanistic and probabilistic approaches to fire behavior (propagation and impacts) and fire regimes (occurrences, fire sizes, seasonality) and their biological, physical and anthropogenic determinants, contributing to the assessment, mapping and management of forest fire risk [key scientific fields and skills: environmental physics, fire ecology, functional ecology, landscape ecology, statistics and stochastic processes].

Digital and Information Systems (the IS cross-disciplinary team) - The organization of scientific data within shared IS is one of the research group's priorities.

In line with our scientific ambitions to better understand forest adaptation and dynamics, a growing proportion of our research is developed at the interface between these scientific fields and skills (see Table below)

Technical skills: databases, insect biology, molecular biology, botany, experimental fires, metrology, pedology, physiology, experimental planning, digital and information systems, forest ecology and dendrology.


Population biology and evolution  (BioPopEvol) 

Fonctional Ecology Community Dynamics (EFDC)

Physics and Ecology of Fire  ( PEF)


Digital and Information et Systems (IS)


Team leader

Guillaume SIMIONI

Team leader

François PIMONT

Team leader

Christian PICHOT

Team leader