Frédéric Jean

JEAN Frédéric

JEAN Frédéric


Email : frederic.jean(at)

Phone : +33 (0)

Fax : +33 (0)


Site Agroparc

URFM - UR629

Domaine Saint Paul

F-84914 AVIGNON Cedex 9

Engineer at Ecology of Mediterranean Forest  Unit attached to the Ecology and Biodiversity Department (ECODIV).

As an engineer in the Mediterranean Forest Ecology Unit (URFM) since 2014, I am in charge of leading experiments in forest ecology dedicated to better understanding and anticipating the responses of forest stands to climate change. To do this, I lead the development of tools and methods related to the study of adaptive traits in the context of climate change, such as phenology, LMA (Leaf Mass Area) and biomass characterisation (distribution and quantification, Leaf Area Index) using terrestrial LiDAR scans.

Recently, given the scientific community's growing interest in phenology as a powerful indicator of climate change and a major factor in adaptation, my activities have focused particularly on this discipline.

So, in 2012, I joined the grouping council of Research Group 2968 'Phenological Information System for the Management and Study of Climate Change' led by Isabelle Chuine (CEFE-CNRS), and then became co-leader, with Christel Anger (IE - INRA Orléans - UE GBFOr), of the 'harmonisation of phenology observation protocols' working group as part of the 'ACCAF Perpheclim' meta-programme.  
"ACCAF Perpheclim"¹ meta-programme (10 laboratories involved and 30 plant species concerned). As part of this work, I organise training courses in phenology observation and conduct experiments in the field.

As part of this work, I organise training courses in phenology observation and carry out experiments aimed at gaining a better understanding of the determinants involved in the phenology of certain model forest species.

Since 2017, I have been co-managing the SOERE TEMPO² 'Forest' observatory with Nicolas Delpierre (senior lecturer at the University of Paris Sud). This observatory comprises 75 people from 35 research laboratories. I am also a member of the SOERE steering committee. In practical terms, I promote and coordinate the local implementation of phenology-related experiments to study the determinants involved in the phenology of different events (budburst and dormancy break with the Arte film 'Printemps sous Surveillance', or flowering with camera observation of phenology).

To do this, our favourite playground is the Mont Ventoux⁴ massif (84); a veritable open-air laboratory, it represents a remarkable altitudinal gradient, a valuable tool for assessing and predicting the impact of climate change on forests.

Ultimately, the aim is to guide managers' choices and direct public policies, among the range of possible ways of maintaining forest cover, which include genetic adaptation, acclimatisation and migration.

plantes au rythme des sainsons guide phenologique

Most recently, I coordinated the writing and promotional campaign for a guide "Les plantes au rythme des saisons"⁵ published by Biotope in June 2017 and the result of a collaborative work by 9 authors⁶.

This book is aimed at anyone curious about nature (scientists, naturalists, farmers, gardeners, teachers, children...). The primary objective is to provide the means for professional networks and associations through participatory science programmes to transmit quality data. The aim is to provide robust indicators of the impact of ongoing climate change.

Isabelle Chuine, a young researcher at the CNRS Functional and Evolutionary Ecology Laboratory in Montpellier, director of the CNRS Research Group (GDR S2968 Phenological Information Systems for the Management and Study of Climate Change) and scientific director of the Observatoire Des Saisons (ODS)⁷, wanted to write a book to mark the 10th anniversary of the ODS. It set up a group of 9 people to contribute to the writing of this book. "In addition to my various professional experiences in the field of phenology, Isabelle was looking for a leader for the working group.
She took the risk of appointing me, and I accepted the challenge".

My publications :!Result:(au:(16183Q))+status:valid%C3%A9%7Csort=%7BDATE_DESC%7D


² SOERE TEMPO : l’Alliance nationale de recherche pour l’Environnement (Allenvi) a labellisé, le 1er janvier 2017, le SOERE (Système d’Observation et de Recherche en Environnement) TEMPO. The aim is to understand and predict how climate change impacts the phenology of living organisms and the consequences in terms of system productivity, survival and population distribution.

³ Printemps sous surveillance : Quand les scientifiques décryptent la nature :


⁶ Le collectif scientifique de l’Observatoire Des Saisons : Vincent Badeau¹ – Marc Bonhomme² – Fabrice Bonne¹ – Jennifer Carré³ – Sébastien Cecchini⁴ – Isabelle Chuine⁵ – Catherine Ducatillion⁶ – Frédéric Jean⁷ – François Lebourgeois¹ ; Unités : UMR1434 SILVA¹, UMR 0547 PIAF², Tela Botanica³, ONF⁴, CEFE CNRS⁵, UE 1353 UEVT⁶, UR 0629 URFM

Modification date : 10 January 2024 | Publication date : 25 February 2011 | Redactor : Frédéric Jean