Bruno Fady
FADY Bruno

FADY Bruno

Bruno Fady, PhD in Ecology, HDR, Research Director at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Research Unit "Ecology of Mediterranean Forests" (URFM), Avignon, France.

Short biography of Bruno Fady, Doctor of Science, Research Director at the French National Institute for Agricultural, Food and Environmental Research (INRAE), Research Unit "Ecology of Mediterranean Forests" (URFM), Avignon, France.

Professional address: INRAE-URFM, Domaine St Paul, 84914 Avignon, France

Phone: +33 (0)4 3272 29 08

Mobile: +33 (0)6 1594 3392



Portrait :

Bruno Fady is a population geneticist with a background in ecology and 30 years' experience of Mediterranean forest ecosystems. After obtaining a degree in cell biology from the Université Paris 6 "Pierre et Marie Curie" in 1982, he went on to study ecology and obtained his PhD in ecology from the Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille in 1990. Recruited by INRAE in 1992, he has since worked in many areas of forest genetics and ecology, from genetic improvement to the conservation of rare and endangered species. This research has resulted in over 100 books, book chapters and articles in international and professional journals. Bruno Fady's current research activities focus on the study of infraspecific diversity in Mediterranean forest trees and populations at ecological margins. More specifically, and with a view to conserving biodiversity, he is interested in how genetic and phenotypic diversity is structured at different biogeographical scales and under the effect of natural or man-made constraints.

For a long time deputy director of the INRAE research unit "Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes" (URFM) in Avignon, France, he has been its director since early 2023. He coordinated the European H2020 GenTree project ( between 2016 and 2020, which focused on the conservation and sustainable management of the genetic diversity of forest trees in Europe.

Bruno Fady is also involved in numerous partnership activities, at the interface between science, society and management. In addition to his involvement in conferences for the general public and natural area managers in the field of forest biodiversity conservation, he is a member of the French program for the conservation of forest genetic resources (CRGF, He is a long-standing expert for the European program for the conservation of forest genetic resources (EUFORGEN,, within the framework of the interministerial initiative for the protection of forests in Europe (FOREST EUROPE), in the drafting of whose strategy he participated in 2021. He participated in the publication of the FAO's State of the World's Forest Genetic Resources in 2013, and is involved in its second edition in 2023. He coordinated the chapter on genetic diversity and biodiversity in the Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2021-2030 of EFIMED, the Mediterranean office of the European Forest Institute.

Some recent publications

Albassatneh M.C., Dubuisson J.Y., Escudero M., Fady B., Ponger L., Muller S., 2023. Effect of environmental and spatial factors on the phylogenetic and functional diversity of the Mediterranean tree communities of Europe. Plant Biology 25, 631-645.

- Olsson S., Dauphin B., Jorge V., Grivet D., Farsakoglou A. M., Climent J., Alizoti P., Faivre-Rampant P., Pinosio S., Milesi P., Scalabrin S., Bagnoli F., Scotti I., Vendramin G. G., Gonzalez-Martinez S. C., Fady B., Aravanopoulus F., Bastien C., Alia R., 2023. Diversity and enrichment of breeding material for resilience in European forests.

Forest Ecology and Management 530, 120748 (

- Scotti-Saintagne C., de Sousa Rodrigues A., Roig A., Fady B., 2023. A comprehensive strategy for the conservation of forest tree genetic

diversity: an example with the protected Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii

(Dunal) Franco in France. Conservation Genetics, on line first (

1- Aurelle D., Thomas S., Albert C., Bally M., Bondeau A., Boudouresque C.F., Cahill A.E., Carlotti F., Chenuil A., Cramer W., Davi H., De Jode A., Ereskovsky A., Farnet A.M., Fernandez C., Gauquelin T., Mirleau P., Monnet A.C., Prévosto B., Rossi V., Sartoretto S., Van Wambeke F., Fady B., 2022. Biodiversity, climate change, and adaptation in the Mediterranean. Ecosphere 13(4), e3915 (

2- Fady B., 2022. Planter un milliard d’arbres, un objectif “possible” effectivement, mais est-ce souhaitable et réalisable concrètement ? Tribune publiée dans Le Monde, 24 décembre 2022.

2- Fady B., Esposito E., Abulaila K. Aleksic J.M., Alia R., Alizoti P., Apostol E.N., Aravanopoulos F.A., Ballian D., Bou Dagher Kharrat, M., Carrasquinho I., Cheikh Albassatneh M., Curtu A.L., David-Schwartz R., de Dato G., Douaihy B., Eliades N.G., Fresta L., Gaouar S.B., Hachi Illoul M., Ivetic V., Ivankovic M., Kandemir G., Khaldi A., Khouja M.L., Kraigher H., Lefèvre F., Mahfoud I., Marchi M., Pérez Martín F., Picard N., Sabatti M., Sbay H., Scotti-Saintagne C., Stevens D.T., Vendramin G.G., Vinceti B., Westergren M., 2022. Forest genetics research in the Mediterranean Basin: bibliometric analysis, knowledge gaps and perspectives. Current Forestry Reports 8, 277–298 (

3- Fady B., Rihm G., 2022. Arboretums, common gardens and forest tree resilience. New Forests 53, 603–606 (

4- Fady B., Scotti-Saintagne C., Fornes N., 2022. Conseils d’utilisation des matériels forestiers de reproduction : Sapin pectiné. Ministère de l’Agriculture, Paris, France.

4- Picard N., Marchi M., Serra-Varela M.J., Westergren M., Cavers S., Notivol E., Piotti A., Alizoti, P., Bozzano M., González-Martínez S.C., Grivet D., Aravanopoulos F.A., Vendramin G.G., Ducci F., Fady B., Alía R., 2022. Marginality indices for biodiversity conservation in forest trees. Ecological Indicators, 143, 109367 (

6- Alía R., Aravanopoulos F.A., Bakkebø Fjellstad K., Bozzano M., Fady B., Farsakoglou A.-M., González-Martínez S.C., Heinze B., Kandemir G., Kozioł C., Kraigher H., Lefèvre F., Rusanen M., Scotti I., Westergren M., Wolter F., 2021. Forest Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe. EUFORGEN, European Forest Institute.

5- Benavides R., Carvalho B., Bastias CC., López‐Quiroga D., Mas A., Cavers S., ..., Valladares F., 2021. The GenTree Leaf Collection: Inter‐ and intraspecific leaf variation in seven forest tree species in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30(3), 590-597 (

6- Cheikh Albassatneh, M., Escudero, M., Monnet, A. C., Arroyo, J., Bacchetta, G., Bagnoli, F., Dimopoulos P., Hampe A., Leriche A., Médail F., Nikolic T., Ponger L., Vendramin G.G., Fady, B., 2021. Spatial patterns of genus‐level phylogenetic endemism in the tree flora of Mediterranean Europe. Diversity & Distributions 27(5), 913-928 (

7- Fady B., Bozzano M., 2021. Effective population size does not make a practical indicator of genetic diversity in forest trees. Biological Conservation 253, 108904 (

8- Fady B., Davi H., Martin-StPaul N., Ruffault J., 2021. Caution needed with the EU forest plantation strategy for offsetting carbon emissions. New Forests 52, 733–735 (

9- Major, E. I., Höhn, M., Avanzi, C., Fady, B., Heer, K., Opgenoorth, L., ... & Csilléry, K. (2021). Fine-scale spatial genetic structure across the species range reflects recent colonization of high elevation habitats in silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). Molecular Ecology 30, 5247-5265 (

10- Opgenoorth L., Dauphin B., Benavides R., Heer K., Alizoti P., Martínez-Sancho E., ..., Cavers S., 2021. The GenTree Platform: growth traits and tree-level environmental data in 12 European forest tree species. GigaScience 10(3), giab010 (https://doi.org10.1093/gigascience/giab010).

11- Petit-Cailleux C., Davi H., Lefèvre F., Verkerk P.J., Fady B., Lindner M., Oddou-Muratorio S., 2021. Tree mortality risks under climate change in Europe: assessment of silviculture practices and genetic conservation networks. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 582 (

12- Scotti-Saintagne C., Boivin T., Suez M., Musch B., Scotti I., & Fady, B. (2021). Signature of mid-Pleistocene lineages in the European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) at its geographic distribution margin. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 10984 - 10999 (

13- Martínez-Sancho E., Slámová L., Morganti S., Grefen C., Carvalho B., Dauphin B., Rellstab C., Gugerli F., Opgenoorth L., Heer K., Knutzen F., von Arx G., Valladares F., Cavers S., Fady B., …, Fonti P., 2020. The GenTree Dendroecological Collection, tree-ring and wood density data from seven tree species across Europe. Scientific Data 7, 1-7 (

13- Fady B., Aravanopoulos F., Benavides R., González-Martínez S., Grivet D., Lascoux M., Lindner M., Rellstab C., Valladares F., Vinceti B., 2020. Genetics to the rescue: managing forests sustainably in a changing world. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 16(6), 1-11 (